Model Wind Turbine Blades
Designed, manufactured and tested model blades for a wind turbine to compete in the Collegiate Wind Competition in 2024 and 2025.
- Used QBlade to analyse multiple airfoils, choose the best performing airfoils, and create blade profiles using these airfoils.
- Used QBlade and MATLAB simulations to iterate blade design based on theoretical power production.
- Consolidated blade and rotor hub (middle piece connected to blades) design in SolidWorks CAD and prepared blades for 3D printing in various slicing software.
- Optimised 3D print parameters to ensure minimal defects and maximum strength without compromising performance.
- Developed and calibrated active pitching system connected to the rotor hub to maximise power output at different wind speeds.
- Utilised static simulation in SolidWorks and fatigue testing in wind tunnel to ensure blade structural integrity.
Skills: Aerodynamics analysis, Computer-Aided Design in SolidWorks, MATLAB, Fused Deposition Modelling and Stereolithography 3D Printing, Design for Assembly, Mechanical Testing and Simulation
CWC 2024 Turbine Design Report (Click here)