Model Wind Turbine Blades

Designed, manufactured and tested model blades for a wind turbine to compete in the Collegiate Wind Competition in 2024 and 2025.

  • Used QBlade to analyse multiple airfoils, choose the best performing airfoils, and create blade profiles using these airfoils.
  • Used QBlade and MATLAB simulations to iterate blade design based on theoretical power production.
  • Consolidated blade and rotor hub (middle piece connected to blades) design in SolidWorks CAD and prepared blades for 3D printing in various slicing software.
  • Optimised 3D print parameters to ensure minimal defects and maximum strength without compromising performance.
  • Developed and calibrated active pitching system connected to the rotor hub to maximise power output at different wind speeds.
  • Utilised static simulation in SolidWorks and fatigue testing in wind tunnel to ensure blade structural integrity.

Skills: Aerodynamics analysis, Computer-Aided Design in SolidWorks, MATLAB, Fused Deposition Modelling and Stereolithography 3D Printing, Design for Assembly, Mechanical Testing and Simulation

CWC 2024 Turbine Design Report (Click here)

Boom Crane

Created and tested a 2-foot boom crane to lift a 10-pound weight by one inch in under 30 seconds.

  • Devised several concepts for the crane design within the deflection, material, and cost limits of the project.
  • Synthesised professional hand- and CAD-drawings of crane parts and assembly.
  • Created parts for the assembly and assembled the full crane to ensure proper fits and tolerances in SolidWorks CAD.
  • Used mill and laser cutter to manufacture crane parts from raw plastic and steel material.
  • Assembled, tested, and adjusted design based on performance in minimising deflection and time to lift weight.
  • Reduced friction in system by iterative changes to tightness, alignment, lubrication, and smoothing of components.

Skills: Creative Design, SolidWorks CAD, Machine Shop Manufacturing, Design for Assembly, Iterative Design